Tuesday, April 24, 2012

WSJ Article On Non-Traded REITs

It's late, but I just saw this Wall Street Journal article on non-traded REITs.  The article is worth a post or two, but here is the passage that's going to grab attention:
Last year, the SEC and Finra began cracking down. The SEC has talked to about six nontraded REITs "on providing better disclosures on their share valuations," said Michael McTiernan, a lawyer in the SEC's division of corporate finance. He said the agency is pressing companies to give better disclosure on such things as how shares are valued and any conflicts with third-party advisers.
Mr. McTiernan declined to identify the REITs, but said that once news of the SEC's efforts spread, "disclosure throughout the industry quickly improved."
The SEC has talked to six non-traded REITs on valuation disclosure.  Let the speculation begin.

The article talks about the differences between the non-traded REIT valuations.  Sounds familiar... I am editing Part II of my valuation discussion.

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